Dear reader,
While June brought our annual week at Le Mans, July also brought several other car related events in between my IRRV duties. July began with the IRRV Golf competition at Maxstoke Golf Club. Not being a golfer, my activity was largely confined to the 19th hole. I congratulate Bob Trahern for organising such a splendid event. Both the number of teams taking part and the number of sponsors was truly impressive. There were teams from almost every Association of the Institute. While golf is hardly a core activity of the IRRV, it was good to see so many members from all over the UK brought together to enjoy a social event.
The following weekend Carla-Maria and I were at Silverstone for an exciting British Grand Prix, with a narrow win for Ferrari. We already have seats for next year. A few days later, we were at the Goodwood Road and Racing Club Summer Ball, held in the splendid surroundings of the Duke of Richmond’s home, Goodwood House.
Back to IRRV activities and we were very pleased to have been invited to the South Eastern Association dinner at the Tudor Park Hotel in Kent. Our thanks go to Patrick Knight, Zoe Kent and the rest of the Executive Committee for putting on a splendid event and to Rundles for their very generous sponsorship. Carla-Maria particularly appreciated the delightful bouquet of flowers.
The following week brought the July round of national Council meetings. I was delighted to see that two IRRV qualified people with considerable experience, Kerry Macdermott and Sue Williams-Lee, are now working in senior roles within the Institute. With our existing senior staff, we now have a strong team going forward to meet the many challenges that lie ahead.
Unfortunately, the Policy and Resources Committee noted that income was falling below budget in the current year, which highlighted the need to develop additional sources of income. A proposal to establish a new Faculty will be taken forward. Also, a draft consultation paper on strategy matters was considered and the final version will be given wide circulation. The responses will feed into a report later this year, following which implementation of the proposals will take place. Work is also taking place in the Law and Research Committee to draw up a compendium of Institute policies.
As Commercial Services Committee welcomed Kerry Macdermott as the new Head of Commercial Services, work is well under way on the arrangements for the Annual Conference and Performance Awards. Reports of activities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were also received. Education and Membership Committee welcomed Sue Williams-Lee as the New Head of Educational Services. Suggestions were made on expanding the Institute’s draft consultation paper to discuss further the Institute’s examination and qualifications structure.
Looking back since I became President last October, the Institute’s Council has made significant progress with strategy development and an internal reorganisation. We still have much to do to set out our policies, but we are planning for the future.
Next up was the Silverstone Classic, after which I actually found some time to do some paid work!
Gordon Heath BSc IRRV (Hons) is President of the Institute